domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Why Buffet got back to Nebraska?

"In some places it's easy to lose perspective. But I think it's very easy to keep perspective in a place like Omaha," he said.

Buffett said being far from Wall Street actually helped him.

"It's very easy to think clearly here. You're undisturbed by irrelevant factors and the noise generally of business investments," Buffett said. "If you can't think clearly in Omaha, you're not going to think clearly anyplace."

Looking to the rich neighbourhoods in Brazil, and putting everything else in the same framework, it makes sense.

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017

Why crazy movies became unforgettable in our minds?

Buried alive (1990). This is the kind of movie, that you will never forget. Even the movie offering so many reasons to be forgotten, like a weak revenge story, or the scene in which Clint ( Tim Matheson) dives his wound hands in alcohol. Even with the poor performances by the actors, that scene is unforgettable(a reason to forget the movie, makes it unforgettable…), by the way, the actor's performance is a very special reason to forget the movie. There’s also the dubious acting for the week character’s like Willian Atherton.

Even with so many reasons, to never think about such a poor movie, the fact is that this movie has played a very important role in life my life. I’m not sure about the reason, probably something with the click bait Synopsis.but…

The main point in the whole thought is: Why crazy movies became unforgettable in our minds?


Have noticed any mistake? Let a comment in the BLOGGER comment section. I`m writing this for the challenge of writing in a new language
Texto original clique aqui(este é uma adaptação)

quinta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2017

Livros que já leu sobre investimento

O Embaixador - West Morris ,embora o foco do livro não seja investimento, é a obra mais interessante que já li quando se fala em agir em contextos de alto nível de stress.

O Cortiço - Aluizio de Azevedo, novamente uma obra cujo foco não é investimento, mas que julgo vital, enquanto estudo da essência humana. E acho interessante que o modo como a obra encara o ser humano, é bastante similar a abordagem que Freud faz em seus estudos de caso, como no "O Homem dos Lobos".

Bom, acho interessante esclarecer, que a meu ver a ficção para além de uma opinião pronta, a ficção oferece um modelo do mundo real que permite ao leitor criar suas próprias opiniões.

Livros com foco em Business

Biografia do Boni - A tv Globo, é a meu ver o caso de business mais interessante, que  surgiu no Brasil nos anos de 1900,  E a leitura que o Boni formou sobre o Brasil desse período, considero ser uma das mais fiéis.

E claro que li o

Sonho Grande