sábado, 18 de novembro de 2017

Sharing some tips in google for academics

Some may even say that be in the academy in those days, is kinda easy, since Sergey and Larry, already took a look in those questions, some time ago in the 90`s. By the way, take a look in some of their`s publications:


https://research.google.com/pubs/SergeyBrin.html , or



https://research.google.com/pubs/LawrencePage.html , or


In the Brazilian society, where academy usually is proud of being isolated from the real questions in society, wherever they may be: business, social inequality (looking for situations inside our main cities)... is by some perspective easy to forget that that companies like Google, Monsato,Syngenta are heavily dependent on academic research.

So, lets take a look in tips for academic reseach.

First and most important, look for who knows what is doing.

How?Well it will depend, what do you want to understand?

Basic content 

For introductory content the best will always be search for the syllabus in the best universities (by the best, is kinda obvious that we are talking about ivy leagues plus a very small group of universities). Look for the textbook used in those courses usually will help us saving a precious time, from trying to understand confused ideas by authors, that may know the content  but fail in organize its own ideas. A good example of author that fit very, in the concept of well organizers of its own ideas are the following:

-Olivier Blanchard

-Gilbert Strang

-Richard Feynman


With that said we are finally able to talk about a second level, when we talk about how to use google, for academic purposes. As immediate consequence of the first rule, the point is find some publications of authors that you admire, the kind of people that is able to show you a small detail in the world, that will sound so obvious after you got guided, you may end up asking yourself how did you not had that insight before.

Usually it will be a simple idea, but very well developed.


Search for business content is kinda simple is just a question of know who is the best in some area, and use that information to your own  advantage when  you google it. Take a look

“interest fiel+ some consulting company+ .pdf/.ppt”

Some key names to wear in your research

Bain and Company



BTG Pactual

Credit Suisse


Deutsche Bank

And some last tips:

Don’t to forget to use  https://www.quora.com/ There always interesting people available to help.

And, if you found this article you probably already knows, but if you don’t https://sci-hub.cc/ 


Have noticed any mistake? Let a comment in the BLOGGER comment section. I`m writing this for the challenge in writing in a new language

Texto original clique aqui

terça-feira, 14 de novembro de 2017

Expansão Fiscal com a indústria de defesa

Nesse segundo o IMF, começa a entrar cena a partir de 6m20s

O que é importante perceber desses videos? A guerra já está ganha, o que interessa é onde vai ficar a fábrica na qual vai ser construído o Avião e o armamento.  Assim essa subindústria do lobby, que é forte em terras Trumpianas começa a ficar mais clara. A indústria ajuda os legisladores americanos com doações, os legisladores aprovam os projetos, e levam ainda a fábrica em suas cidades de origem. Rolou uma expansão fiscal(afinal é o governo que tá bancando todo o projeto), sem empresa estatal, sem precisar de servidores, sem precisar inchar a maquina pública, e de quebra ainda leva uns veteranos... AKA Don Draper.

Ainda tem um outro aspecto, já que como esses brinquedos militares são "legais", ninguém reclama muito na mídia.


Pra quem quiser aprofundar, nesse ponto os EUA já esta até transitando para uma segunda fase desse keynesianismo militarista http://cult320.onmason.com/files/2012/08/Gilmore-199899.pdf

Economia + RSS: Quem seguir?


mundodasmarcas.blogspot.com  - Mundo das marcas

bitquant.wordpress.com - Mercado de ICO

https://qoppac.blogspot.com.br/ - Quantitative trade

http://www.arthurpinheiromachado.com.br/ - Arthur Pinheiro Machado

http://jimtalksmarkets.blogspot.com/ - Jim Rogers


blog.stone.com.br - Depoimentos Stone

phdcomics.com - Tiras vida acadêmica

https://www.mckinsey.com.br/our-insights/blog-made-in-brazil - Mckynsey


monicadebolle.com/home - Monica de Bolle

piie.com/rss/contributor/1938 (link de RSS) - Monica de Bolle

https://mansueto.wordpress.com/ - Mansueto


rwer.wordpress.com – Funciona como um HUB - Real World Economics Review Blog

gregmankiw.blogspot.com - Mankiw

https://piie.com/rss/contributor/1865 (link de RSS) - Blanchard

https://uneasymoney.com/ - Uneasy Money

https://prosaeconomica.com/ - Prosa Econômica


research.fb.com - Interessantes discussões sobre AI e Data Science



http://braziljournal.com/ - Geraldo Samor

https://www.fool.com/- The Motley Fool

http://fusoesaquisicoes.blogspot.com/- Clipping noticiario de fusoes

(link de RSS) - Radar Online (era melhor até a saída do Jardim)

https://exame.abril.com.br/ - (Atualizam de vez em nunca)

http://economia.estadao.com.br/blogs/coluna-do-broad/ - (se tivesse rss era melhor)


http://www.obaricentrodamente.com/ -  O Baricentro da mente



Aqui vai variar bastante de acordo com os interesses
individuais, mas segue um set meu:

As revistas da AEA São meio chatas em termos de RSS, então só newsletter mesmo.


http://www.dynamo.com.br/pt/correio - Cartas trimestrais da Dynamo

https://www.morningbrew.com/ - Sintese do que esta acontecendo

https://www.blackstone.com/media/byron-wien-market-commentary - Byron Wien comentários


https://www.econjobrumors.com/ - Tem um perfil bem diverso, passando por discussões misóginas até uma ótima análise sobre o perfil das revistas.

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